meeting minutes 


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Idaho Progressive Student Alliance
Empowering Students, changing our world

About the IPSA
Meeting Minutes
Hey everybody. Here are the IPSA meeting minutes and reminders from our meeting Tuesday, September 5.

What happened at Tuesday’s meeting? What are the main issues we’ll be working on this year?

Upcoming events

Upcoming meetings

Tuesday’s meeting

We had a huge turn out at the Tuesday meeting. It was a fun, productive experience. Leo Morales spoke about our farm worker minimum wage campaign. Then Brad talked about Music Fest 2000 (more below).

After that, we then broke into groups to discuss the different issues we might want to add our support to this year. We came out of our groups and contributed our ideas to the entire gathering.. The suggestions made at this part of the meeting included protecting the Boise foothills, confronting Boise Cascade about its environmental policies, dam breaching, dealing with the Fine Host problem at Boise State and sweatshop labor. We ended up taking a vote. Our issues for this year are (drum-roll) insurance coverage for birth control, Boise Cascade and farm worker minimum wage.

Upcoming Events

Day Against Capitalism-

Anti-Racist Action and the Anarcho Punk Federation will be holding a planning session for an event to be held on September 26, the Day Against Capitalism. Anyone can come to suggest ideas for the event on Sunday the 10th at 2pm in Manitou park.

MusicFest 2000

On September 23, IPSA is planning to have a propaganda booth at Music Fest 2000 on the Western Idaho Fair Grounds. If you’d like to volunteer, please call Brad at UVI (331-7028) for more info.

Steal this Movie-

The Idaho ACLU will be presenting this film about censorship at the SPEC center. Call the SPEC for more information.

Nader Rally-

There will be a Nader rally (to get Green Party presidential nominee Ralph Nader into the presidential debates) on September ninth at noon on the capital steps. Visit for more Nader info.


On September 8-10 (it’s a busy week) STARK (Student Alliance to Reform Corporations) will make its presence known on the BSU campus. Details are cloudy at this point, but we’ll keep you updated.


Next meeting

Saturday, September 9, 9AM-1PM in the Alexander room-

We will break into groups and train everyone to facilitate meetings and/or plan campaigns. There WILL be food. Come and learn some valuable skills that can be used in any project.

See you at the next meeting

aisha ahmad

To contact us:
Idaho Progressive Student Alliance
c/o Student Activities Office
Boise State University
1910 University Ave.
Boise, ID 83725-1335


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