meeting minutes 


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Idaho Progressive Student Alliance
Empowering Students, changing our world

About the IPSA
Meeting Minutes
Hello! Here are the IPSA meeting minutes for Wednesday, August 30. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, September 5 at five PM in the Alexander room at the BSU SUB. And, without further delay, the minutes!


IPSA minutes Wednesday August 30, 2000


Activities September 5th, 6th and 9th

Other assorted activities

Upcoming Events



As we all know, Dawn is preparing a newsletter for IPSA. Dawn reported that the newsletter would be about two pages front and back. We discussed printing options and alternative names for the newsletter. Thank Dawn if you see her!

Activities in the first part of September

September 5-

On Tuesday September 5 at 5PM, we plan to have a brainstorming/recruiting session in the Alexander room at the SUB. During the meeting, we will introduce newcomers to the Idaho Progressive Student Alliance and brainstorm campaigns (like farm worker minimum wage) we would like to concentrate on as students this year. We will also be promoting our mega-training spectacular to be held on the ninth. Please come and bring as many people as you can. There’ll be free pizza!

Advertising for the event will include phoning, word of mouth, flyers and chalking the sidewalks at BSU.

September 6-

Wednesday at 5PM in the Foote Room, Rachel from United Vision for Idaho (our sponsor organization) will be giving a training for our event on the ninth. This training is meant mainly for those who would like to help out by doing trainings themselves on the ninth, but anyone can attend. And you know you want to.

September 9-

The culmination of our efforts, this training will be about empowerment (and recruiting). We will break into groups and train everyone to facilitate meetings and/or plan campaigns. There WILL be food. Final plans for this event will have been worked out during the two previous meetings.

For all three of these events, contact Toby at 426-3455

Other Activities

Direct Action Tactics-

During the meeting, there was talk of a video presentation the night of the ninth about direct action tactics. Hopefully, we’ll have more information about that in the next minutes.

Music Fest 2000-

On September 23, IPSA is planning to have a stand at Music Fest 2000 on the Western Idaho Fair Grounds. Half of IPSA's members have already volunteered to man the booth, but maybe you can get lucky. More info as it becomes available.

Rainforest Action Network-

The RAN was mentioned in our meeting as it is planning a campaign in Boise this year. Among the ideas discussed in relation to RAN was an action expressing students’ dissatisfaction with the Boise Cascade/Boise State paper deal. Get psyched! Find out more about RAN at

Upcoming Events

Nader Rally-

There will be a Nader rally (to get Green Party presidential nominee Ralph Nader into the presidential debates) on September ninth at noon on the capital steps.


On September 8-10 (it’s a busy week) STARK (Student Alliance to Reform Corporations) will make its presence known on the BSU campus. Details are cloudy at this point, but we’ll keep you updated.

Shorty’s Fundraiser

The group formerly known as Dismantling Racism will be holding a fundraiser dance at Shorty’s on Labor Day weekend. Contact Teguin at the SUB for tickets and information.

To contact us:
Idaho Progressive Student Alliance
c/o Student Activities Office
Boise State University
1910 University Ave.
Boise, ID 83725-1335


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