meeting minutes 


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Idaho Progressive Student Alliance
Empowering Students, changing our world

About the IPSA
Meeting Minutes
Hello everybody. Here are the minutes for Tuesday’s meeting. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, August 30th in the Alexander room. Hope to see you there!



Volunteer Opportunities

Upcoming Events

Also Discussed at the meeting….



We brainstormed different ideas for newsletter articles including a favorite quotes list, movie reviews, contact lists, reading lists, bios on progressive individuals, web sites and a calendar of events. If you have any progressive articles you would like to contribute, please bring them to the next meeting. A short article should be between 75 and 100 words, longer articles ought to be around 150 or 225. We’re looking for articles under 300 words.

Gateway booth-

The Gateway booth we have up in the SUB between the dining area and the offices is a success. Thanks to everyone who gave up their time to work the booth during freshman orientation. We discussed using this form of advertisement again during the year

Volunteer Opportunities

Latino Vote 2000-

(From the flyer distributed at the meeting) "This is a project funded by Southwest Voter Registration Education Project (SVREP), a national tax-exempt, non-partisan organization founded in 1974 to improve Latino participation and representation in their communities. This project is endorsed by the Idaho Hispanic Caucus". For info on volunteering please contact Gloria Munoz, the project coordinator. 322-3697

UVI Booth at the western Idaho fair-

UVI is in need of some volunteers for their booth at the Western Idaho Fair this weekend. We’re told that there will always be UVI members around to help you out and that you get free admission to the fair.

Upcoming Events

Farm worker Appreciation Day-

On Sunday, August 27 the Idaho Women’s Network will be sponsoring Farm worker Appreciation Day at Caldwell Memorial Park. The celebration will be held between one and five PM and a carpool from Boise has been organized to meet at noon at entrance two of Boise State’s Pavilion. There are volunteer opportunities available for serving food.

Shorty’s Fundraiser

The group formerly known as Dismantling Racism will be holding a fundraiser dance at Shorty’s on Labor Day weekend. Contact Teguin at the SUB for tickets and information.

Event for first week of school-

We discussed different events to have for the first week of school. Ideas included: A day long training to plan out the year, a progressive fair to expose students to the different progressive groups in Idaho, a training on facilitating a meeting, a recruiting event with an intro to IPSA’s plans and brainstorming sessions on how to get them done and a recruiting party with food and music. The issue will be further discussed at the upcoming meeting.

Also Discussed-

We discussed advertising at concerts that may have a lot of students attending. We spoke specifically about the Music on the Mountain Concert in September and distributing pamphlets there.

We discussed having a booth at BSU’s Fall Funk. Definitely doable.

We discussed creating a better constitution for ourselves spelling out IPSA’s goals and ideals.

We need to begin planning on applying for organization status. We discussed starting a subcommittee for this.

We talked about the idea of IPSA as it applies to the three Es: Education, Environment and Empowerment. We might want to form future propaganda around this idea.

Well, that’s it. Remember! All IPSA decisions are made at these meetings and they’re open to everybody. If you have any good ideas about what we’re doing, come to the meetings.

Happy first week of school!


IPSA secretary


To contact us:
Idaho Progressive Student Alliance
c/o Student Activities Office
Boise State University
1910 University Ave.
Boise, ID 83725-1335


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