meeting minutes 


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Idaho Progressive Student Alliance
Empowering Students, changing our world

About the IPSA
Meeting Minutes


Hello everybody,

Here are the late minutes for the September 20 meeting. Sorry, guys!

What we discussed

Campaign Updates

Upcoming Meetings

Upcoming events


How did Hyde Park go?

As you know, the IPSA had control over a secondary stage at the Hyde Park fair in Camel’s back park. We decided to try and get a booth next year, as lecturing on a stage takes away from the festive activities.

The newsletter-

is looking good. We go to press on the 29th. Great job, Dawn!

Some Boise Cascade action-

Mateo from Rainforest Action Network talked about creating a more controversial approach to Boise Cascade Corporation. If you’re getting all giggly just thinking about it, call him at 343-5872. He’ll also be speaking at Martin’s Monday night (see upcoming events).

Pat Vickey came to talk about Margaret Henbest’s political campaign. Henbest is a nurse practitioner. For more info on helping out, e-mail Pat at

Web page-

Has been updated.

And if you’re reading this, you’ll know that we’ve switched our emailing lists. You can get onto our list serve at



(see "Upcoming meetings" for campaign committee meeting times)

Student Birth Control-

Ariel is going to attend the BSU Health Advisory Board meeting on September 28 (see upcoming events.) She’ll be scheduling a meeting (and Rachel Wheatley will help facilitate) after she attends.

Boise Cascade-

Tobey and Micaela are arranging to speak with officials at BSU and the people in charge of Bronco Books about Boise Cascade contracts with the school. Martin is putting some literature together and researching BCC alternatives.


The farmwoker minimum wage committee will be meeting on Thursday the 28th at 5:30 pm in the Alexander room.

Boise Cascade committee meeting Wed. 27th at 5:30 at the SUB. Check the SUB schedule in front of the stairs for the room.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 3rd, 5.30PM in the Boyington room at the SUB.


BCC sign making session for National Day of Action

Monday the 25th at 1210 Hayes (Martin’s house). 6.30 PM. Mateo from Rainforest Action Network will speak.

National Day of Action.

September 26 at 5.30 in the park across the street from the capital. The capital steps have been reserved. There will be an open microphone on the steps, street performers and people might fan out downtown to hand out literature. Be there! It’ll be fun.

BSU Health Advisory Board Meeting-

September 28 ath 10.45 AM in the Boyington room at the SUB. One of our issues for this year is better birth control for students, so it would be advantageous to go to this meeting to ask about how this issue is being addressed in our current health care plans.

Voter Regiustration Drive.

Friday, Sept. 29. 10am-2pm at Paul's on 11th Ave. in Nampa.

Covert Columbus Day-

October 9. Everyone is encouraged to take action on this day to protest the celebration of Christopher Columbus – by all accounts not a nice guy. For more info, talk to Jacob.

See you October 3rd,


To contact us:
Idaho Progressive Student Alliance
c/o Student Activities Office
Boise State University
1910 University Ave.
Boise, ID 83725-1335


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